Dienstag, 26. Oktober 2010

Artikel des Tages: High resolution lung airway cast segmentation with proper topology suitable for computational fluid dynamic simulations

Nach langer Abstinenz melde ich mich auch hier mal wieder, mit einem Artikel über MRT an der Lunge, der im Oktober 2010 in der Zeitschrift Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics erschienen ist (Volume 34, Issue 7, Seiten 572-578).
Aus Zeitgründen nur mit Abstract:

Developing detailed lung airway models is an important step towards understanding the respiratory system. While modern imaging and airway casting approaches have dramatically improved the potential detail of such models, challenges have arisen in image processing as the demand for greater detail pushes the image processing approaches to their limits. Airway segmentations with proper topology have neither loops nor invalid voxel-to-voxel connections. Here we describe a new technique for segmenting airways with proper topology and apply the approach to an image volume generated by magnetic resonance imaging of a silicone cast created from an excised monkey lung.